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Hesston History
This map from June 16, 1976 shows the platting for Lewis Drive and Wheat Lane. The back side of the map lists the applicable protective covenants…
Hesston History
Hesston Sketch Plan, Plate III, dated August 1963.
In 1962, the City of Hesston had contracted Oblinger & Smith - Planning Consultants to formulate…
Hesston History
Location map - West Side Interceptor, Hesston, Kansas, Plate 1, Plate 2, and Plate 3. Drawings were produced by Wilson & Company Engineers &…
Hesston History
Copy from plans for construction dated 1945
Hesston History
In the upper right corner of the front cover is a handwritten note saying "4-11-62". On April 11, 1962, the City of Hesston made an agreement with…
Hesston History
The receipt, sent from the Post Office at Hesston, Kansas to Mr. Milton Miller at the City, indicates that a $15 international money order was sent to…
Hesston History
First is a letter dated October 26, 1979 from Lonnie W. Wege to Hesston's Mayor Milton R. Miller. Wege, Vice President of Public & Employee Relations…
Hesston History
This letter dated March 6, 1979 was sent from Kansas's Governor John Carlin to Hesston's Mayor as an invitation to The Governor's Prayer Breakfast on…
Hesston History
Lyle Yost, General Manager of Hesston Manufacturing Company, Incorporated wrote to Milton, one of his employees, to express his appreciation for his…
Hesston History
Lyle Yost, Chairman of Hesston Corporation invited Hesston's Mayor, Milton Miller to attend the Hesston Corporation Annual Meeting of Stockholders on…
Hesston History
Pierce offers Miller his support as Miller apparently was in the process of deciding whether or not to continue as Hesston's mayor. A handwritten note…
Hesston History
Enns, president of the Hesston Chamber of Commerce wrote to thank Mayor Miller for his assistance in supplying a special welcome to everyone attending…
Hesston History
Hesston's Mayor, Harold Dyck wrote to George Stafford to congratulate him on his appointment as Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission in…
Hesston History
Lyle Yost, president of Hesston Corporation wrote to Milt Miller, one of his employees, to wish him a happy birthday.
Hesston History
Lyle Yost, president of Hesston Manufacturing Company, Inc. wrote to Milt Miller, one of his employees, to wish him a happy birthday. The letter…
Hesston History
The invitation was sent from Wichita's mayor (William D. Tarrant) to Hesston's mayor. Located 22 miles west of Wichita on 21st Street North,…
Hesston History
First, we have a letter dated April 25, 1966 to Mr. Milton R. Miller from Ray Schlichting, Director of Finance at Hesston Manufacturing Company, Inc.…
Hesston History
This is a copy of the letter Hesston's Mayor Miller wrote to Mayor & Mrs Marvin Reimer of Buhler Kansas, inviting them to the Charter Night banquet of…
Hesston History
This is a copy of the letter Hesston's Mayor Miller wrote to let the Harvey County Board of Commissioners know that he planned to attend the…
Hesston History
Kansas's Governor Docking writes to invite Hesston's Mayor Miller to attend a conference in Wichita on March 15, 1967. The conference was to discuss…