Hesston Public Library

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Hesston Public Library

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This letter is an example of what was sent out to local businesses as part of the fundraising efforts for the new library building in 2010. In…
These were used in conjunction with the fundraising efforts for the new library building in 2010. The returnable card was sent out inside the larger…
This letterhead was used in conjunction with the fundraising efforts for the new library building in 2010.
The Community BBQ and auction were held as a fundraiser for the new library building was held on June 11, 2010. These reservation buttons were…
The inside of this 2010 brochure explains that a survey had been done 4 years prior to find out what the community of Hesston wanted from its library,…
These table tents each have a different library trivia question printed on them. They were scattered about on the tables during the library fundraiser…
On June 11, 2010 at 6:30 pm, the Hesston Public Library (HPL) held a community BBQ and auction to raise money for a new building. People were invited…
Marianne Eichelberger and Ellen Voth show puppets owned by Library in the new puppet theatre built by Roy H. Smith, a library board member. -- label…
Marianne Eichelberger, Nee Harms, assumed her duties as Librarian in June 1978. 238 81-5 -- back of photograph
Teresa Burkey, Hesston's first full time librarian shows Edna Yoder a book from a shipment just received. 237 81-4 -- back of photograph
Elementary Librarian Lois Thiessen and Public librarian Marianne Eichelberger team up to teach kindergarteners Jennifer Cyre, Jeremiah Hickenbottom,…
The Hesston Public Library was started by the Hesston Women's Civic Club. It was housed in the City Building at 116 N. Main St. Shelved cabinets with…

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