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business, gas station, garage, Hesston pioneers
Firth Charlesworth (left) and Theo Perkins. The building was built for Perkins by the Lyon brothers. The gas pump on which he is leaning had a crank…
business, gas station, garage, Hesston pioneers
Theo Perkins in front of garage -- handwritten on back of photograph
parades, social events
The 1906 REO Motor Car Company Model B runabout. The owner of the car is unknown. Photo is dated as being taken in 1971
business, transportation
4-1 -- handwritten on back of photograph
business, transportation
Hesston livery stable owner, Chris Wenger, a veterinarian Chris took great pride in his horses, and justifiably so. Note the three teams at right are…
business, transportation
The Hesston Livery stable; built and owned veterinarian Chris Wenger. Last operated by O. Fern Cummings. Building last operated in 1907 and removed by…
business, transportation
Hesston, Ks livery barn, owner Christian Wenger -- This was equivalent to Hertz Rent a Car today. One could rent a house, horse and buggy or wagon. --…
business, gas station, garage, Hesston pioneers
This building was constructed in 1917 for Theo Perkins and Fred J. Wenger. It was the fourth brick building in Hesston, KS. It's first use was a…
main street
Sign at Exit 40 of Kansas State Hwy 165, which is now [2017] Interstate 135.
parades, social events
Alvin B King & Wife, Wilma, in this 1909 Model T Ford. In the background is elevator owned by Hesston Mill & Elevator. It was formerly owned by…