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Mayors and City Administrators
First, we have the program of events for the 15th Annual Governor's Prayer Breakfast with Governor and Mrs. Robert F. Bennett, which was held February…
Mayors and City Administrators
First, we have the program of events for the 18th Annual Governor's Prayer Breakfast with John and Ramona Carlin, Governor and First Lady of Kansas,…
Mayors and City Administrators
The fine print at the bottom of the cover page says "The Hesston, Kansas, committee for the observance of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution…
Mayors and City Administrators
Bernie Hayen, City Administrator from 1979-1982 -- label on back of photograph
Mayors and City Administrators
C. E. Swartzentruber, 1921-1923 -- label on back of photograph
Mayors and City Administrators
This is the certificate Milton Miller received from Kay Grochowsky, Harvey County Election Officer certifying his election to the office of Mayor -…
Mayors and City Administrators
Erby Buller served as the first City Administrator, 1963-1968 -- label on back of photograph
Mayors and City Administrators
Gary Burr, City Manager, City of Hesston, Kansas 1972-1979 -- label on back of photograph
Mayors and City Administrators
Harold Dyck, 1969-1971 -- label on back of photograph
Mayors and City Administrators
Jay Wieland, City Administrator, Jan 5, 1987 - to date -- label on back of photograph
Mayors and City Administrators
Jay Wieland, City Administrator, Jan 5, 1987 -- handwritten on back of photograph
Mayors and City Administrators
Joe Swartzentrudber, 1981-1985 -- label on the back of photograph
Mayors and City Administrators
John Waltner, 1985-Present Day -- label on back of photograph
Mayors and City Administrators
Lloyd King, 1937 - August 1939 -- label on back of photograph
Mayors and City Administrators
M. M. Vogt, August 1939 - 1941 and 1951-1957 -- label on back of photograph
Mayors and City Administrators
Marcus Vogt and Murray Bandy with award.
Mayors and City Administrators
Marcus Vogt and Murray Bandy with award.
Mayors and City Administrators
Maurice Bowersox, City Administrator, 1982-1985 -- label on back of photograph
Mayors and City Administrators
David Kauffman served Hesston on the city council and as mayor 2007-2022 (anticipated). Read more at…
Mayors and City Administrators
Mayors of Hesston. Photo approx 1983. All shown have at one time been Mayor of Hesston. they are, L to R: Marcus M. Vogt, Harold P. Dyck, Milton R.…